Andrew Walton

Andrew Walton is a Graduate Research Associate at the European Centre for Environment and Human Health (ECEHH). Andrew is currently working on the LCAT (Local Climate Adaptation Tool) project, which is developing a tool to guide local decision makers in identifying evidence-based solutions for climate change adaptation. The tool was highly commended in the international Climate Challenge Cup as part of COP-26. In addition to contributing to the functionality and content of the tool, Andrew is responsible to analysing research and synthesising the results to develop causal loop diagrams and identify appropriate adaptations.

Andrew is also part of the BlueAdapt project team, investigating the impact of climate change on health risks associated with pathogens in the environment. Within this role, one of Andrew’s primary tasks is to undertake research on climate change and the exposure risks associated with viruses and bacteria within ocean systems.

Andrew has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Illustration and after completing a PGCE, has taught academic study skills and art. Andrew studied a Masters in Environment and Human Health at University of Exeter, focusing particularly on climate change, greenspace and food systems. Andrew has experience in both qualitative and quantitative research and is currently working on publishing a study on the influence of gender on food consumption patterns.

  • University of Exeter
  • Andrew Walton's profile