Saloni Kyal is a junior research associate at CMCC. She is responsible for the development of components of Decision Support Systems (DSS) and also of the web applications and services for different research projects. She was primarily involved in the development of the webpage of GUTTA-VISIR, a decision support system for ferries in the Adriatic Sea. She also works on improvisation and improvement in existing services like WITOIL (Where Is The OIL) and CASCADE (CoAStal and marine waters integrated monitoring systems for ecosystems protection AnD managemEnt).
Before joining CMCC, Saloni worked as a researcher (software engineer) in Politecnico Di Milano, in a project called Sodalite. Her main role was to manage a parsing component using Python, Docker, Swagger REST API, and Ansible technologies along with being involved in some publications.
She holds an M.Sc. in Computer Science & Engineering from Politecnico Di Milano, Italy, and a BTech. in Computer Science & Engineering from Techno India University, India.