Tim Taylor

Principal Investigator

Dr Tim Taylor is Associate Professor in Environmental and Public Health Economics at the University of Exeter Medical School. He holds a PhD in Environmental Economics from the University of Bath and has worked for over 25 years in the field of economic analysis of environmental and public health policy. He has extensive experience of European Commission projects, having been involved in Horizon 2020 projects including REGREEN, BlueHealth and INHERIT. Tim has written over 50 papers and book chapters, including publications in journals such as Climatic Change, Ecological Economics and American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Tim is an Honorary Senior Lecturer with the UK Health Security Agency. In BlueAdapt, Tim is leading Work Package 6 and is involved in WP2 (leading horizon scanning), WP5 (involved in case studies on Local Climate Adaptation Tool and early warning apps), WP7 (tool development) and inputting to communication and dissemination in WP8 (including leading the development of an online course). Tim is also co-leading one of the Cluster work packages on Communication and Dissemination.